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Moanahans, Ward County, Texas Land For Sale - 5.1 Acres
0% FINANCING AVAILABLE -- LOT 70, SEC 6, BLK 33 -- $12,000 -- 5.10 ACRES -- SURVEYED & STAKED -- GUARANTEED LEGAL ACCESS TO YOUR LOT - ACCESS VIA PAVED STATE HIGHWAY! MULTIPLE ADJOINING LOTS AVAILABLE!!Lot #70 out of Section 6, Block 33, H&TC Railway Co. Survey, Ward County, Texas, ±5.1 Acres. Lying just north of the Pecos River, the property lies in an area of rural beauty. The property is flat to slightly rolling with sandy soils andsparse vegetation, which provides wide open views of the surrounding area. The brush is widely spaced, leaving plenty of room to get around. Easy to get to from IH-20 or IH-10, the property has legal access from Farm-to-Market Rd 1927. Electricity and phone utilities are along the highway, approximately ½ mile from the corner of this lot.
Total Cost: $12,000 plus $699 deed processing and recordation fee

Monahans, Ward County, Texas Homesite For Sale - 5.1 Acres
0% FINANCING AVAILABLE LOT 53, SEC 6, BLK 33 --$18,000 -- 5.10 ACRES -- SURVEYED & STAKED -- GUARANTEED LEGAL ACCESS TO YOUR LOT - ACCESS VIA PAVED STATE HIGHWAY! MULTIPLE ADJOINING LOTS AVAILABLE!!Lot #53 out of Section 6, Block 33, H&TC Railway Co. Survey, Ward County, Texas, ±5.1 Acres. Lying just north of the Pecos River, the property lies in an area of rural beauty. The property is flat to slightly rolling with sandy soils andsparse vegetation, which provides wide open views of the surrounding area. The brush is widely spaced, leaving plenty of room to get around. Easy to get to from IH-20 or IH-10, the property has legal access from Farm-to-Market Rd 1927. Electricity and phone utilities are along the highway, approximately ½ mile from the corner of this lot.
Total Cost: $18,000 plus $699 deed processing and recordation fee

Monahans, Ward County, Texas Homesite For Sale - 5.1 Acres

Monahans, Ward County, Texas Homesite For Sale - 5.1 Acres
0% FINANCING AVAILABLE - $20,000 -- LOT 5 - One of the Best Lots on the Property! Lot #5 out of Section 6, Block 33, H&TC Railway Co. Survey, Ward County, Texas, ±5.1 Acres. Electricity and phone utilities are along the highway, approximately 330 feet from the corner of this lot. Lying just north of the Pecos River, the property lies in an area of rural beauty. The property is flat to slightly rolling with sandy soils and sparse vegetation,which provides wide open views of the surrounding area. The brush is widely spaced, leaving plenty of room to get around. Easy to get to from IH-20 or IH-10, the property has legal access from Farm-to-Market Rd 1927.
Total Cost: $20,000 plus $699 deed processing and recordation fee
0% FINANCING AVAILABLE -- LOT 59, SEC 6, BLK 33 --$20,000 -- 5.10 ACRES -- SURVEYED & STAKED -- GUARANTEED LEGAL ACCESS TO YOUR LOT - ACCESS VIA PAVED STATE HIGHWAY! MULTIPLE ADJOINING LOTS AVAILABLE!!Lot #59 out of Section 6, Block 33, H&TC Railway Co. Survey, Ward County, Texas, ±5.1 Acres. Lying just north of the Pecos River, the property lies in an area of rural beauty. The property is flat to slightly rolling with sandy soils andsparse vegetation, which provides wide open views of the surrounding area. The brush is widely spaced, leaving plenty of room to get around. Easy to get to from IH-20 or IH-10, the property has legal access from Farm-to-Market Rd 1927. Electricity and phone utilities are along the highway, within ½ mile of the corner of this lot. Total Cost: $20,000 plus $699 deed processing and recordation fee